End of 2021!

Hello! It's 31/12/21 today.
I am not excited, but kindaaaaaaaa hoping that my 2022 will be the year where I found myself, and be happy with everything that happen.
I want to choose to be happy.

2021 was hell, but I survived! With everything that happen, I sure survived lotsa things.
I am proud where I am now, even though I still don't feel like living, yet. At least, I can distract myself now. I wanna to focus on myself!!! May I heal from whatever that kill me inside.
Semoga segala kebaikan dan kebahagiaan dirasakan pada tahun hadapan.

I am vvv thankful for the people I have in life. Grateful to God because He sure ease everything.
Segala rasa dan apa yang jadi because He knows best. And, even if I feel like regretting things, I met people for reasons IDK. So, may Shasha accept whatever that happen happens because He let to.

I know moving on in life or any incidents is easier with hatred and grudge. But, I honestly don't know how to stay mad, so I pray that whoever that hurt me won't be experiencing the same thing I did. I had a thought of wishing the meanest thing to them, but I can't. And, I bukan Tuhan. Jadi, ya. 
I mendoakan diri sendiri sentiasa istiqamah dan menjaga hati dan iman serta ditetapkan hati di jalan yang diredhai Allah SWT. Semoga hati i tak berbolak balik dengan benda yang lagha. Semoga tidak pernah memandang apapun dan siapapun dengan hati yang dengki. Semoga sentiasa dipermudahkan urusan dan rezeki. Semoga dikurniakan ketenangan hati dan jiwa serta kewarasan akal fikiran.
Semoga sentiasa berbaik sangka pada orang lain dan hanya melihat kebaikan dalam diri orang lain. Semoga segala yang didoakan dimakbulkan! <3

And, Shasha, life sure can kill you banyakkkkkkkkk kaliiiiiiii tapi helo banyak kali juga kau went through it kan! So, semoga tidak pernah dan tidak akan berputus asa mencari kebahagiaan dari segi apapun!

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