Recent updates
Halu people of Earth. Heks.
It has been 5 days, the short holidays.
And I almost do nothing for 5 days.
Locked up myself in my comfort zone -- hostel room. alone.
Oh yes, I survived to not talking with people for 5 days. (excluded WhatsApp voice note and Skype)
Thats normal, or not.
However, I am having fun by living alone. Seriously.
I enjoy solitude, I think...I am turning into.... an introvert.
Doing everything by myself, is sort of fun.
I love how I don't have to wait for others or having people wait for me.
Free to go where, and do whatever you like. I think this is why, I don't have cliques.
Or whatever you called it.
Berita hangat! Persekutuan Seni Silat Cekak Hanafi bakal membuat demo besar-besaran pada tarikh 29 Ogos 2015 dan memecahkan rekod dunia dengan seramai 50 ribu pesilat membuat demo bersama sebagai Largest Martial Art Display.
Layari untuk maklumat lanjut! :D
Untuk pengetahuan anda, kami telah berjaya mencatatkan sejarah dalam The Malaysia Book Of Records bagi kategori ”The Largest Participants In Silat Performance” dan ”The Largest All Women Participants In Silat Performance” pada 10 Oktober 2010 di Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur.
Berminat? Anda boleh menghubungi cawangan-cawangan terdekat :)

Maklumat lanjut layari laman web kami ya :)