
Lagi dua bulan, or maybe less, aku dah nak habis asasi!!!
Kejap je masa berlalu. Sangat sekejap.
Aku pun taktau apa yang aku rasa, yang penting tak sabar nak habis asasi.
I am so gonna leave maths. It is a bit you know, uhm hard to leave science, but maths will never be my things since I am lazy to consistently doing exercises. I did a test on right and left brain, and I am a right brain dominance but, with only how -3 differences than left brain. Thats mean I actually can used both but, you know everything is on you. if you like it, you will go for it and if not, byebye~
So, guess what right dominance brain person should do? YES, LANGUAGE!!!
Everyone be like "Are you sure you're leaving science?"
And I will be answer with "Yes, I am so done with math~"
I don't think I can cope up with it, I struggle myself in foundation, how can I made it for degree? (Ok, when there's a will, there's a way) But for once,I want to study something I love, something that inspire me. Oh, and language is what I want. I am leaving science along with Aisah.
We both are so done with maths,

So, I am counting my days for this Asasi to come to it end~~