Kuliah 13 - Bersemangat.
Assalamualaikum and hello ;)

Rindu nak berblogging, dah lama sangat tak update. Hewhew. Faktor
masa dan uhm malas, plus I think I lost the ability of writing and construct sentences. Hm, tu la lama sangat tak tulis esei. Vocab pun lari, grammar lagi
lah, idiom? Takyah sebut, tak ingat dah. Ya Allah macam mana nak sambung bahasa
cenggini? Hahahah.
Jadi, Asasi akan tamat in 2 more weeks!!! I cannot wait for it, and I was very glad that it'll come to an end. VERY. I don't think I am going to miss anyone here (or maybe some) but not everyone. Like, I don't even have close friends here. Okay, Aisah is somehow my close friend (the very one).
Others, I consider as friends/classmates. Not that close (that I can tell them everything) and not that tak rapat (that I don't talk with them). Everyone is my friend. Just that I chose to not be attach with anyone. Too attach, is bad. Really bad. It once got me, real bad when Haziqah moved. Since then, I distance myself and for that I am grateful now.

After all, making friends with everyone and not attach to anyone is good. You can be with anyone. No one will ever feel like you left them when you have new friend. So that's great enough. Plus I don't have to wait for anyone too. Because I feel really bad if someone wait for me. So, it was good in Asasi to not overly attach. But keep the friendship in touch after foundation (or maybe not).
Let's talk about my class!!!
So I am in Kuliah 13. Our class are not the most harmonious class nor the most friendly class ever, but every class has it own uhm charm (can I say that?) HAHA. Okay lah charm~ My very first friend in the class was AFIFAH (my schoolmate --yes we got the same university, courses and yes class. Farah is in different class). Since, my new year's resolution (last year) was to not be friendly and talk a lot ; I didn't talk to anyone during orientation and for the first 3 weeks. HAHAHAHA. Yes, new year's resolution = failed. Because, I really talk a lot and I am friendly (IF I WANT TO BE) But, really I was bad at making new friends, I don't know how to start a conversation. I keep my mouth shut, even people start the convo first. That how bad I was at making new friends.

This is Afifah
Anyway, the first person talked to me during class orientation was NOORAISAH BINTI ENSIP.
She's sabahan. We talked because she was excited when I talked with her in sabahan, and I was excited too that I found a sabahan (trust me, I am not a sabahan). So that was how our friendship starts. Oh, and my cousin was her senior during MRSM day. How tangled our relationship is. She talks loud, and a lot. She's very clever -- even she claims she's not. So, I love her, her style and we kind of shared same thought and interest. She's very open minded, I really love talking with someone like her. And she is judging-free. She doesn't judge you, your story and all that. Surely gonna miss this girl, doa-doalah aku ke Sabah sang. Mau jugak aku ke Tawau :P

introducing Aisah.
My classmates are from different countries and kind of weird. They have their own personality of course. They are not in harmonious state all the time, of course we'd have our own conflict (or that was what I called it). But that is normal. I think. They are okay, really. I didn't know them well, a year is not enough. But, I would like to list their habits/personality from my view:
Afifah - she changed, a lot from girl to a woman. HAHAH she now knows how to put make up on, to wear fashionable outfit to class, to not bottle up her feeling.
Aisah - she's the one who you may look for if you forgot to bring your dictionary during english class. Interested in fashion? You may asked her, about Victoria secret, Dorothy Perkins fashion show and all that. She talks what she thought.
Erna - when you saw her, you know she's an athlete. She talks a lot, and very kepoh. She's funny. And she's very prihatin somehow. Selalu perasan sabahan :P eheks. Uhm nampak berani tapi sebenaqnya.....^-^
Eryn - she's our class cinderella. Really kind to everyone, soft voice, soft heart. Like real, I mean, dia bercakap REALLY PERLAHAN that I can be really penat waiting for her to bercakap.She's caring. very. Eryn loves dancing, if you need any help just look for her~ Oh yeah, dia suka make up, suka berdandan.
Qina - she's serious when it comes to works and assignments. She gets stress, easily kot. Hahaha. She seems like one tough woman, but she's not ;) sangat manja sebenarnya.
Has - she's nice, has a very attractive dimples. Really. She talks a lot (semua banyak cakap). She's one tough girl (sado!). She's loyal (REALLY) she's the one yang uhm rasional kot. I mean, oh we all semua cam emo sikit bila berurusan. She will be like keep calm girls. Dia suka mengannoyingkan aku. sangat suka dan i will mengannoyingkan dia balik. nasib baik sayang.
Wani - I called her mek, sebab she's kelantanese people.I think, she looks like Erin Malek. Kinda.
Mek sangat suka, sangat suka sangat suka (repeat sangat suka tu) kacau orang!!! Nampak je innocent ni. She loves kacau me masa tidur ok. Ingat aku kucing ke hahaha. Dia baik la ofkos. Tapi garang! Hahaha.
Eha - Partner wani. Hahaha Eha lagi garang daripada Mek. Kedah mai ni. Aku tuntut laksa kat hang nanti ehehehe. Eha rajin yang sangat rajin, tulisan dia kemas nak mampuih. Bayangkan dia boleh buat notes yang banyak dan tulisan still statik lawa.
Mia - budak cembeng (bak kata cess) hahahah. Ni lagi sorang atlet, she runs a lot. Hahahah sebab tu kaki sado! Mia nampak garang tapi tak pun sebenarnya hahah. She loves animal, sangat suka. hahaha.
Qeeb - dia boleh cakap korea!!!!! Like macam fasih gila, padahal dia belajar sendiri je. Jeles saya. She's a good photographer. Eheks. She;s good in korean language and english as well. Band 5 uolls muet.
Princess - self proclaimed princess (her name is Amira). Hahah since Amira maksudnya puteri, so she told us to call her princess. Nickname tu melekat sampai sekarang. Dia sangat superb kalau bercakap time presentation. Like, wow! Cess uhm manja. hahaha but she is.
Aimi - She's a great cook. Really. Western cuisin is her speciality. Confirm kenyang kalau dok dengan dia. Hehe. She's a bit slow (means: selalu blur dan loading) aku pun lebih kurang je loading. Hahaha. She's kind of artistic uolls. Hahaha. Yang penting, dia suka masak dan kami memang suka makan (the classmates)
Zu - lulz ni si gigi taring. She once gigit tangan aku, and lebam dan sakit. Hahaha zu tak suka kena peluk kena cium segalanya. Tapi, ni shasha la. Hahaha I got to hug and kiss her, my sem 3 resolution tu. Eheks.
Huda - mak kelas kami! eheks. dia marah orang panggil dia mak. but, dia sangat motherly like. dia sangat baik. oh dia sangat sayang selama~ hahaha.
Farah - she looks like afifah sikit. hahaha farah ni blur jugak kekadang HAHAHA.
Rina - she's class best presenter. eheks.
Nasuha - hahaha she's clumsy. really. lawak ja kalau time Nasuha tengah kelam kabut. hahaha. she loves food and biology.
Hana - si gadis sabah! haha. Hana suka katak (bukan katak betul). She's good at maths!!! And she's tall. really -.-
Ummu - eheks, siapa sangka jumpa orang gombak. Ummu jenis okay je open minded jugak. Dia sering dikenakan oleh uhm shasha.
Atikah - haa selain nasuha, atikah pun clumsy (kadang2) eheks.
Jun - JUN SANGAT BAIK! jun macam kakak la. eheks. membantu jika memerlukan. :*
Alia - she's one pretty girl!!! and pandai. Doctor to be, insyallah. She's engaged anyway. Alia sangat penyabar, sangat.
Haziqah - Haziqah selalu tolong belikan food :B hehehe. She's remind me of Haziqah my Haziqah kekadang.
Ain - budak pandai maths! hahaha Aku selalu kacau ain~~~ hehehehe sebab kacau ain sangat bestttt tau. Sorry ain.
Shikin - set ganu kito~ haha dia suka baca novel, so commonnya di situ. haha shikin kalau blur jangan cakap la. haha
Ieyka - lg sorg dak ganu~~~~ she's clever, sangat. hm pahtu lawa. apa lg kang? Hahaha. Ieyka jenis Mia gak, suka jogging. sado kan ;)
Heera - the one and only indian girl in the class. Deeply in love with Lee Min Ho. She's pretty in pink but she said she's not.
Rafidah - For me, dia lawa. HAHAHA jeles k. Fidah, uhm setia? :P She likes the same guy since sem 1, and even confess! Bukan semua perempuan boleh buat camtu ok?
Liyana - ni gangster class. hahaha. siapa sangka gadis secomel liyana sebenarnya pernah fly sekolah hahaha. sekolah harian ok? sangat sempoi liyana ni eheks.
Cemut - ha ni mak tiri kelas. hahaha cemut sangat loud. nama dia Ina btw. Dia baik walaupun kekadang macam mak tiri :p
Lisa - she's good at calculation. I mean, I never met people who love physics, and she does.... Hahah ternganga sekejap. She's into kpop. Oh and Exo. hahaha
Dayah - Aku selalu tersilap dia dengan Fatin, for i dont know why. Serious. selalu konfius. Dayah jenis pendiam --- or maybe sebab aku tak rapat sgt dgn dia.\
Fatin - i confius dia dengan dayah HAHAHAHAHA sumpah la taktau kenapa!!! Fatin, dayah, lisa ni set-set pantai timur haha. Oh serumet kot fatin dgn dayah ni.
Okay itu perempuan baru. Hahahah ni lelaki pulak.
Hafiq - class best abang ever! Hafiq sangat prihatin,. Guess what he was Eqa's former classmate. Hahah. Hafiq sangat bertanggungjawab and dia reti masak! satu point di situ (so siapa nak masuk meminang dia?) Hafiq can be really straight forward at times.
Imang - Mat ganu. Imang loves biology a lot. He talks a lot too. He's funny, naturally funny. His absence = kelas senyap. So maknanya, dia la paling bising hahaha. Imang sangat pandai. Dia annoying jugak hahahah tapi like heck normal la tu.
Azim - Sifu kelas. Azim sangat rajin. He's uhm kekadang susah nak paham perangai dia. Hahaha dia baik and caring. Pelat R btw. HAHAHA.
Ammar - sekali pandang, siapa sangka dia rupanya ex-badar? hahaha. ammar ni sengal. lawak pun ye. dia appear to be emotionless -- sangat kurang ekspresi muka dia. hahaha.
Farid - from KK to KL. Hahaha he's kind of outspoken.
Tee - class gamer! Motto tee - time main, main, time study study. Tee pun sengal. Dia lawak pun ada. His hambar jokes, and those weird perangai.
Siva -future dr to be. he's hardworking. hahaha sangat ok. tapi kalau dah bab mengusik no 1 jgk.
Hazil - His dream is to be like Kim Jong Kook. HAHAH hazil sangat suka workout. One thing everyone geram about him is, dia bercakap nada flat. paham tak? dia bukan flat dah, dah menjunam kot. dia cakap cam ish taktau la nak cakap cmne hahaha. kekadang apa dia cakap, aku xphm.
Heiryl - baymax!!! heiryl is super cute. hhaha whatever he did, he's still comel!!!! serious. heiryl sangat baik. paling baik kot.
Tukul - hahahah kembar mia :p mia dengan tukul kinda la sama muka. hahaha. tukul ni unexpectedly can sings. haha.
Aiman - paling annoying dalam kelas hahaha. Dia outspoken sangat. suka mengusik. Kalau taktahan dengan mulut dia, kau akan rasa sangat stress, tak kira la macam mana dia nampak, dia sebenarnya sangat caring dan baik. serious. haha.
Danial - class representative. Ketua kuliah. Danny sangat sengal. Serious. Suka sangat kacau org dan memain. But still bertanggungjawab la jgk. haha
Zharif - hahaha almost terlupa abang body ni. The first time I saw him, mcm woooo bapak ah garang nya dia ni (muka dia) but he's not. Zharif ni nampak je garang tapi tak. Hahah sado je lebih :P Ni bakal angels ni eheks (upm punya rugby team)

Okay itu je la classmates aku. It is a pleasure to meet you guys :) Aku tak perasan siapa yang ada dan siapa yang takda (sebab dah ngantuk) Tapi jangan risau, kalau takda pun aku still sayang korang.
Dengan post ini, saya Shasha Syafiqah binti Shaiful Azhar memohon maaf di atas segala salah dan silap saya sepanjang kita berkenalan. Di atas segala tutur kata, perbuatan yang membuatkan kalian terguris dan terasa. Sungguh, saya tak bermaksud begitu. Walau kasarnya perkataan dan perbuatan saya, itu merupakan benda yang tidak saya sedari. Maka, ampun dan maaf di atas salah dan silap saya. Semoga kita berjumpa lagi. Halalkan lah segala yang pernah kalian berikan kepada saya. I will uhm miss you guys (kot :p). Sayang korang. Muah ciked.
Loves, Syafi Syafi Syafi.