little thing called love (not a movie!)

hi peeps.
i have this urge to write something.
I haven't been in a really good state of mind lol.
not that i am stress
or sad or wtv
i just feel, kind of empty?
or maybe mood swings.
anyway, i would like to write something, on love
love is magical, and it can be classified into so many level of love, so many types of it.
you feel it, enjoy the feeling even you can't see it.
that includes me. let's learn to be grateful shall we?
afterall, God is always there, for you. He will always forgive you, if you seek for it. He already gave us a lot of chance to repent, but it's us who...waste the chance harhar.
Nikmat mana yang kau dustakan.
moving on to love, this time it's soulmate kind of love.
i always find it amazing, when people get married.
i mean omg how can you be so sure he'll be the one (ofc istikharah and all that)
but you know what I am trying to say?
i mean, love fades... i guess so.
i never be in that kind of love that i am so sure we'll end up together.
so it amazed me when someone is getting married, and have dozens of kids together,
be till the end of life. that amazed me.

how is that even possible? yes, i am 19 and allow to write about love ok? i am already "layak" harhar. my mum always rasa, i am a kid :p (If u r reading this ibu)
anyway, love is amazing. in whatever category. it is always amazing.
it is a wonderful feeling. like, loving as a soulmate means that you will stick with them for your entire life, if He wills. of course no one ever dream of getting divorced ayee?
and looking at my parents, how they be with each other, no matter how difficult the situation is and will be, how they complete each other, like how they still love one another, that makes me cry anyway.
i always believe someone is made for me, no matter who will love more, we'll still love one another. and i wish that feeling never fades. i pray for it.
ayah said, sometimes you met someone, you thought it's him but He said, he's not and the time isn't right. so, yeah, "takde jodoh".
sometimes, you love someone so much, that Allah took him away, cebause (vamp's slang) he's not the one. sometimes, you met someone, and they become yours. well, love works in any possible ways. He created someone for you, they are probably looking for you! like you looking for them. it takes the right time to meet. like in the movies.
no matter how others say, real love story is not as sweet as the one in movies or dramas, I always believe love story is always as sweet as that. just well, you have to be a lil realistic.

love is a beautiful feeling,
whether it is for your God,
mom, dad, friends, lover,
it just so beautiful
if you already found
someone and you feel
like they're worth waiting,
then wait
if He wills,
you will be with them,
if they are not meant for you,
well, He will give someone better!
be with someone who loves you, more than you did
or love each other equally (i doubt that exist?)
however, love while you can!
and the most important thing is, before love someone else,
love yourself!
you are priceless.
how can someone loves you, if you do not love you.
to my future someone, wherever you are,
keep looking for me! like i do :)
meet you soon,
even if it takes us thousand years
muchos xoxo