Tribute to Syafrizal Syaiful.

“Lepas SPM nak main Fantasy bersungguh-sungguh Aku nak pergi dating,
main futsal semua lepas habis last paper ni.”
I received a shocking news around 7 a.m. last Saturday,
March 12th 2016.
“Syaf dah takde.” This
surprised me. It was my first time to experience that one of my good friends. I felt
absolutely nothing. I did not know what should I feel that time. I was blank as I always be. So, I went back to KL for his funeral.
Kelam kabut all the way to tanah perkuburan from UPM.
I didn’t have the chance to visit
him masa dia kat hospital. Tak langsung. I tak jumpa dia since lepas SPM. Aku tau dia sakit je, and he was getting
better that time. Sedih dia dah takde, tapi now he’s free from segala sakit
yang dia tanggung. Aku doakan kau tenang kat sana.
Just so you know, he’s a really
good friend. An amazing ketua kelas. Someone who listens to your story, someone
yang bila bercerita sangat semangat dengan pelat dia tu. Hahaha. Everyone is
going to miss you Syaf! We will pray for you. Who knows we might jumpa soon kat
sana kan J
We lost our very own version of Edward Cullen. Those brown eyes that we will never be able to see again, We lost a good friend that will do anything for his friends, who'll be there when you need him. But, life is about losing and moving forward. Just so you know, we are going to miss you.10 years later we will still be missing you and pray for you. Moga ada jodoh jumpa di sana. Moga kita semua ditempatkan kat tempat baik2.
I thought I sempat jumpa kau, but
aku tak sempat. And I am sorry for that. Aku tak visit but that does not mean yang aku tak kisah ok! (as
if you can read this). I thought of writing a letter kalau sempat visit kau
haritu, tapi takde rezeki kan nak buat macam mana.

I will pray for you and for your
family to stay strong even when you are not around. Moga kau tenang di sana dan
moga ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman. Jangan risau, kau takde salah
pun dengan kitaorg. You are the best ketua kelas and kawan and abang dan anak
yang baik! J
Salam sayang,
Shasha yang awesome (I often say that kan)