Happy 2nd June - Muhammad Muqri

I did not regret the decision adding you on FB back in 2010
and start talking to you :P because if I have never done that, I will never
meet my best friend. I know some people thought that oooh we are a thing, but
we never are. Haha. I think our way of expressing our friendship is just
different kot. And I never regret doing so.
Happy 10 years,
Muhammad Muqri! So, we have been friends for 10 years, like wuuu I never
thought we will make it. Haha. Things changed for sure, we no longer kids and
we can't spend most of our times with each other because we got things to do.
But, one thing that I am sure that will never change is I love you to the moon
and back since day one! Thank you for being my best friend and the best
listener. For never fail to comfort me whenever I had mental breakdowns. I had
lots of emotional breakdowns back then, and still, have it. But never once you
fail to comfort me, even though sometimes you would choose the game over me :P
Thank you! There were times I wish you were a girl, just because. I haven't
posted any appreciation entry since 2014, so I am posting one for you today
because today is our day!
Words can never
describe how thankful I am to have you in my life. I am just really thankful
and grateful that God sent me, you! I pray nothing but the best for you b <3
You deserve all the happiness and kindness that existed in this world because
you are one of the nicest people I have known. You are one of His greatest gift
to me, thank you for existing -- in this world and in my life. Thank you, Cik
Wie and Pak Cik too <3
Guess, I am still
cheesy even after 10 years :P May Allah ease everything for you, Uqi! To more
years with you, and I hopeeeeeeeeeee that we will meet soon!!! Take care Uqi :P
Long ass text will be sent to you too :p Love you!!!
Happy Friendniversary, my Atuk Pelik!
What I used to write for him:
1- Muqri Fauzi, thank you for everything. For always be there for me, listen to my story no matter how stupid it was, be patient with my childish attitude, for made my day today. Uuu, you are a very good friend :3 Always know how to make me smile and laugh again. Seriously thank you :') And for sure you already know that, I love you en pelik :3 Oh and thanks for being my Atuk Pelik :P No replacement lah for that title. Kau forever atuk pelik aku.
2- "He might be the most 'perasan' and 'pelik' guy in
the world. But still, he is my best friend no matter what. He's there for me
when anyone else not. He might be really annoying but who cares, I am me when I
am with him. I can make stupid ugly annoying faces when I am with him, I can
even do stupid things or being silly with him. I just feel comfortable with
him. HHe is my atuk pelik :p Forever be pelik and for sure I am forever loving
him as my annoying pelik :p ~"
There are more but, entah maybe dalam messages atau pada caption gambar. tetapi itulah, sebesar ini impak kewujudan seorang Muqri dalam hidup I. Thank you sebab jadi sahabat aku dunia akhirat!!! <3
xx, shasha