
I have been writing this blog because I find that, at least with writing, it eases everything.
I never tell anyone officially that I once had someone special before I graduated -- had because we broke up last year. So, things between us ended without a decent closure -- I was the one to blame because I decided to stop - because I am me. tsksksk
I realized that feelings for him linger around. I still sayang him more than a friend. Me being me, it was hard for me to bottle up feeling. So, I straight up told him, by sending a letter -- that's how dramatic I was. I told him, I still have feelings for him -- and confessing is a way for that feeling to fade. I know for a fact, A is not the guy who stuck in his past, unlike me, whose her one foot always in the past. I didn't expect him to reply, most of the guys I involved with would never reply such things.
But, he replied. And, what surprised me, I cried reading his reply. HAHAHA. I don't know was it my hormones or I was genuinely that sad. I was grateful that he replied and he never blamed me because of the reason I left. It's not that we broke up because our story was tragic, but I cried anyway.
A told me to not linger anymore and make myself happy -- I was touched by his text that I cried every time re-reading it........ I blame my hormones hahaha. And, I told him to never blame himself that I still have feelings, because it is never his fault. All mine to begin with.
To you, even you will never read because no one reads my blog anymore hehehe. Thank you for existing and were mine, once. You always second thought yourself in everything you want to do, I want you to no longer do that. You are amazing enough and that's why I was attracted to you. I pray for nothing but the very best for you. For all the things you achieved now, happened because you are you.
And thank you for still being my friend....and actually put up when I go tak behave!!! Hehe thank you for everything, fav Melaka people <3 Don't worry, I will always be happy and cheerful. It just, for now, I want to cry. Again, THANK YOU FOR EXISTINGGGGGG!
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