2020 -- we need a refund because this version got virus

Hi! Today is Malaysia's 10th day of Control Movement Order.
As everyone already knows, unless you are super ignorant, we are currently trying to break the chain of COVID-19 virus. It's a pandemic disease -- as of today, the number of case is as below:
It is a very very very very serious issue worldwide. Hence, thee reason of CMO. Things are very very very difficult, especially to those small shops and makcik-makcik who sell nasi lemak for living :( 4 weeks of not selling nasi lemak weh, how are they going to buy food for themselves :( but, we need to flatten the curve ASAP.
The thing about this COVID-19 is we really can't do anything about it except for social distancing, maintain good hygiene and LISTEN TO THE GOVERNMENT ORDER TO STAY AT HOME! Oh and of course, praying to Allah to ease everything for us. So, please Malaysian, stay at home, doing nothing. Enjoy this period of doing nothing so we can hustle more after all this is over!!!!
Anyway, on the serious note, can we restart our 2020 because this version, got a virus?
I mean, my goal for 2020 is no longer self-love, I need to just survive! Haha. May Allah ease everything for us and may this pandemic ends soon! We need to survive and thankful to Him later on ok!
Stay At Home -- do not wander around.
xoxo, me.