May 2020

So, June is coming -- in a blink of an eye, it's already 1/2 2020!
We have been spending days at home because of the virus -- I pray that this will end soon.
I miss my friends like a lot and I miss eating at the restaurant. I miss outdoor life a lot :(
Anyway, life is good, I think. It's sad that not everyone leading a happy life -- they struggled.
I pray that everyone will get through this. Amin!
BTW, sehappy mana pun i rasa hidup, I stillllllllllllllllllllll have that rasa lemas hahaha. Entahlah.
There are some feelings I need to get rid of or actually, figure it out. But, I am just too tired to even give it a thought. Soooooooooo, I end up ignoring those feelings. And to talk about it here, already make me feeeeeeeeeeel lemas ku dalam dakapanmu rimas gitu. Jadi, we end it here okay?
I finally got my llaollao hehe. thank you to myself.