A lil throwback won't hurt.

yeah, I don't live in my past anymore ๐
So I am wide awake and feel like writing lol. I was inspired by my twin, Caca Miwah to actually read my old blog entries~ Just so you know, I reverted everything into drafts because lol I could not even terima how I used to type. I swear to god, I used wechat's kind of typing style. The "Aw@k xP3w l@" kind of thing and I wonder how I managed to type that in text message back then?!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA
Back then, typing that way was a trend among my friends. The fancier your spelling, you were consider as up to date NAK MAMPOS HAHAHAHA. It was the start of "handphone era" like kids start to have mobile phone, it was around 2006 or 2007. I got my first mobile phone when I was 12 and it was from Makusu Hanim. My parents would not buy me one la kahkah. Nasib jer berhandphone. I swear I was addicted to mobile phone and spent a lot of money for topup and everything. Even call my friends, ya Allah DARJAH 6 NAK BORAK PASAL APA?! UPSR KE SHASHA?!!!!! Hahahahaha.
I started blogging after my UPSR exam lol and because Ayah pasang internet that time, so I addicted jugak dengan internet :') Wowerz. Let's take a look ofh ow I used to type.
That was 2010 HAHAHAHAH. I ada gambar Nami cuci pinggan lagi oi dalam post. Tu kat bawah tu HAHAHAHA.
And Fathi hahaha
I wasn't a bad girl pun ok? Lol she started the fight.HAHAHAH and dia je kot yang aku pernah tak sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sangat perangai dia... dan I swear sampai sekarang tak bercakap kahkah. Lantak kau lah. I push away negative people, like you :)
Back then, typing that way was a trend among my friends. The fancier your spelling, you were consider as up to date NAK MAMPOS HAHAHAHA. It was the start of "handphone era" like kids start to have mobile phone, it was around 2006 or 2007. I got my first mobile phone when I was 12 and it was from Makusu Hanim. My parents would not buy me one la kahkah. Nasib jer berhandphone. I swear I was addicted to mobile phone and spent a lot of money for topup and everything. Even call my friends, ya Allah DARJAH 6 NAK BORAK PASAL APA?! UPSR KE SHASHA?!!!!! Hahahahaha.
I started blogging after my UPSR exam lol and because Ayah pasang internet that time, so I addicted jugak dengan internet :') Wowerz. Let's take a look ofh ow I used to type.
HAHAHAHHAA They were my primary school friends! Lolololol Astaghfirullah rasa nak tarbiah diri sendiri sebab taip sebegitu rupa??? YA ALLAH Bersyukur kepada Ilahi kerana seorang Shasha tidak lagi sebgitu rupa. Pengalaman mematangkan guys, so advice to adik-adik di luar sana, YOU MAY TYPE THIS WAY BUT NOT TO ME HAHAHA.
MAJOR FACEPALM FOR MYSELF????? NI SIAPA NI??? I can't recall anyone I minat dulu????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH WHAT IS THIS SHASHA SYAFIQAH. Hahahahahahahahah sakainya weh dulu? Nampak sangat budak.
Nak masuk Form 2 dah dapat kesedaran sikit kot? HAHAHAHAHHA
Masa ni baru kenal Syasya Amirah hahahahaha. And masa Jom Silat. Masa ni alhamdulillah bahasa yang digunakan tak teruk sangat dah HAHAHAH, Oh i banyak cakap pasal Uqi juga dalam blog dulu HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH YA ALLAH. Uqi, Eqa, Haziq, Ainaa semua lah kawan aku pernah sebut dalam blog.
"Hoho , aku ckp kat atuk yg aku tak dtg :D Saje tipu diaa . Muahahah .
Baru na kene kan dia , tp mase ibu suro amek kunci dlm keta bg kat paksu
ATUK DTG . and he called me . Aku pun pndang sekeliling and I don't SEE him .
Aku ckp aku kat umah . haha , pdhal dia dh nmpk aku .
Then mase dah msuk tmpat openhaus tuh , aku toleh belakang and TERnmpk atuk :))
Aku dok gelak2 sbb dah tipu diaa . Jahat oh aku .
kcian atuk kan , uqi ? :P"
And Fathi hahaha
Okay back then, there was a girl who used to idk dislike me....because she thought I was flirting with her boyfriend when it was actually her boyfriend talked to me first?????
"Saya dah cukup baik tegur mcm ni. So tayah nak menggedik2 menjaja cerita ye.
Daaaan, awak tolong lah. Dah benci saya sbb
Best thing happened was, I CHANGED A LOT. I am no longer the Shasha who was so damn insecure about having pimples or thick lips or dark skin. I was no longer that Shasha who always want to be taller, fairer and skinnier. I no longer have the desired to become somebody else. I changed to someone who has kinda high confident level lol.
Lol whatever happened to me make me....a lil wiser and matang?
I mean, insecurities kill you. Having those insecurities over everything is tiresome. Tak penat ke insecure over pretty girls, skinnier people.... like you are already pretty! Even if you tak rasa macam tu, someone else rasa you lawa~
Lol, later (if I ingat) I will share how to be confident. LOLOLOL.
Ok tu je. I TERTAIP BANYAK PULA!! I blame caca for dizzz.
ok leviu
shasha paling awesome