Storms don't last forever.

I am back! for a while. Hiuhiu
So currently, I am in my week 10 of Semester 4.
As you aware, week 10 is a hell week. Submission week and test week!!!
I am doing my best to survive lewl.
Anyway, I am all good. My life is quite good. Lots of things happened and here I am, survived!
Thank Allah for that. I have been quite demotivated for the past weeks. Lol. Don't ask me why. Perhaps it's just a PMS week or I just feel that way. Maybe I miss home? Missing how everything was easy? I really have no idea why I felt tired and demotivated with everything that happened. I am getting back on track now! I hope. I don't want to let myself drown in demotivation and regret it later on. That's so not Shasha.
There's a time when I feel like I don't have enough time like I was too busy, too many things on my plate and too tired to do anything. However, I still managed to do everything. I was amazed that I managed to get everything done on time. I am so grateful that Allah always eases everything for me. He sends help when I needed. I can't go through everything without His help! He is the one that's always there, listening to His creations' prayer. Therefore, I know I can't be demotivated. Feeling like giving up on everything, feeling like this is the end. I can't because I have HIM. He will not test me if I can't bear with the tests. So does everyone. If you ever feel useless, giving up on things you did, tired or anything, always always always pray to Him. Make yourself closer to your God. As for Muslims, reading Al-Quran is the best. If you can't read it, listen to the ayat or read the translation will do. It does sound cliche but IT SERIOUSLY WORKS ON EVERYONE. After all, God knows best. He loves His creations more than any human could.

"Orang mukmin tak boleh berputus asa." Remember that! If you ever feel that way, please get rid of that feeling okay?! It's dangerous to have that kind of feeling. You are good enough, you are strong, and you can get through any obstacles that coming to you! :)