Moving On and Let it Go - part 1

I am writing because I have been thinking about it.
And, who knows, I would need it in the future.
I probably not the right person to talk about moving on and letting things go.
I am always that person who stuck in her past, and I am having hard times to let things go.
Most of my failed friendship or relationship is because that person pushed me away.
So, eventually, I will go away. You get what I am trying to say?
But, I learnt how to cope without that other person around.
I would say that time eventually heals whatever that is hurting you.
Some people would not agree with this. You are healing as time passes. Just like how your wound healed along with time. No wounds bleed forever.
However, to stop the bleeding wound fast, you would need to put some medicine on, take care of it so that it heals fast. Extra care needed if you don't want it to scar.
Same things happened when you get your heartbroken.
At first, you would cry. You are hurting. It's okay to cry, to grieve, to feel the pain.
Your pain is valid. It's okay to cry your hearts out.
Then, you need to put the medicine, if you are brokenhearted, what you need is a 'me-time'.
For you to heal, to think and reflect yourself. To accept the fact that whatever you had before, is no longer yours. Take your 'me-time' as much as you want to.

During the 'me-time' period, pamper yourself. Do things that you love. Accept your flaws, improve yourself to be a better version of you. Remember that, you are worth it. Your self-love is greater than any other love in this world. Don't self-destruct yourself because you are hurt. No matter how much that someone means to you. Things happened for a reason, even if you don't see it now. Maybe they came as a lesson for you to learn, to improve yourself, to know yourself more. Doesn't necessarily means that they are the 'bad person'. Alright?

Sometimes, I know you are worried about "WOULD I MEET ANYONE AND LOVE THEM AS MUCH AS I DID BEFORE" and questioning about when will you meet your soulmate and be happily ever after. Don't worry about that. You are writing your own story now, don't rush. Settling down doesn't always mean that is the ending. Your life goes on as long as you are breathing. It's okay to settle down when you re 28, 29, 30, whenever you want. Really. Don't worry too much. Love yourself and chase your dreams. Heal. Heal before you start another relationship. Heal so that when things hit you rock bottom, you won't give up. Heal so that you will never question your self-worth. Heal so that nothing can break you!
Whoops, I will continue this in another entry!
For now, feel the pain. Cry all you want. BUT, DON'T SELF-DESTRUCT.
Validate your feeling. Accept the fact.
xx, Shasha.